
It has Begun.

19th of August, 2011. Let it be remembered that we
came from humble beginnings. Let it be known that
wives were unhappy. (Mostly) Let it be said that Andy
was off to a good start. Let it be remembered that we 
all looked less trustworthy, more manly, dirtier, creepier,
more sexy, and more likely to drive vans with tinted
windows. Let it be said that truly, the beginning, was
as stunningly beautiful as the future will surely prove 
to be. We tip our hats to you Tom Selleck. We clear the 
road for you Flanders. We shine your shoes and spread the
red carpet Ron Burgandy, Lando Calrissian, and Apollo 
Creed. And Tobias Funke, we salute you. The first
Manly Stache/Sex Face competition has begun.


when is a handlebar stache not right...NEVER!

Last Night

Last night, I was lying in bed, trying to get some rest. It was late. My wife rolled over, put her hand on my face, felt my mustache and woke up enough to say "You're a creep." What do I call that? Success in bed. Creepin' it up, even in the bedroom.


Rough and Scruffy Weekend

This weekend I went on a fishing trip with my dad and my little brother. We stayed at my grandparents place in Star Valley Wyoming. I explained to them that I had started a mustache competition at work, to which my grandpa replied:

"I was wondering why you looked so shitty."

I arrived home last night to my wife and daughter. My daughter, who I heard upstairs, excited to see me, had a change of heart when she saw my face. Not talking a ton yet as she is only 1 1/2 reached for my wife and looked at my stache with a worried look on her face. Thrilled to kiss my wife I went in for a smooch and was shoved away. No more kisses. Too uncomfortable. Psh. I'll tell you what's uncomfortable, no kisses from my lady.



Weekend Warrior

So this weekend was a bit of an "eye-opener" for me as far as my mustache goes. My wife and I had a date night for the first time in a few months and as we got into the car, she told me she didn't want to go. She didn't want to be seen in public with "THAT" (pointing to my face). She then proceded to offer me a new deal. She was willing to DOUBLE the mustache pot from work if I would but shave the stache. In all honesty though, I probably could have gotten more. You should have seen the desperation in her eyes. The plead that was present was almost gut wrenching. Almost. But I held my ground. "THIS... is happening." I said. She finally resolved to the fact that she wanted a night out more than she wanted to sit and debate with me so we hit the town. All of this AND a comment from my daughter while running errands earlier that afternoon. "Dad? Can I wait in the car? You're kind of embarassing with your mustache." I've never had so many comments about my face in one afternoon. The mustach is KING, and it is here to stay people.



Goodbye old glory

 There are a couple more of us now that have dropped out.  Zach earlier this morning, and I myself have shaved the sweetness.  It was a road well traveled. Goodbye old glory, and thank you for the attention you got me.